This PixieLil person is becoming a real problem around here. She keeps adding weird stuff to pages and even outright vandalises sometimes.
We should really ban her before she ruins the whole wiki.
This wiki stands as a testament of why you shouldn't let a bunch a teenagers (and people who were younger and lied about their age) make a fanon wiki, as well as why you definitely shouldn't let them keep editing it well into their 20s.
This PixieLil person is becoming a real problem around here. She keeps adding weird stuff to pages and even outright vandalises sometimes.
We should really ban her before she ruins the whole wiki.
What if none of the PSA was real and Pixie just hallucinated all of it after eating some overripe oberries she found in the in the woods? Would that be <redacted> up or what?
I like how pixie's parents named their children Skye, Taylor and Shmixie.
I think we can tell who the least favorite was
Panic! In My Pants at the Disco
*it's a chilly autumn day on the island of Club Penguin. Leaves drift slowly down from the few deciduous trees on the island and a freezing mist blows in from the mountains, bringing with it the promise of an evening snowstorm. But of course what the weather is currently doing doesn't matter here, not really... What does matter is the small igloo to the north of the Ski Lodge, where Pixie is lying in a bed with a bunch of medical equipment hooked up to her... She's very still and to the untrained eye would likely be presumed dead. But dead is the very last thing our Director is right now. A door on the other side of the room opens and a rather skinny penguin with dark blue feathers and a pair of glasses so thick you can barely see his eyes through them enters. He's holding a tablet and softly humming the tune to some pop song from the 90s. Looking very worried, he sits on the edge of the bed and gently brushes his flippers against Pixie's forehead, something he's done many times over the past few years. This time however, something different happens, and Pixie suddenly jerks viciously, as though she's having a seizure. The blue penguin jumps back in shock, as she opens her eyes and sits bolt upright.*
Pixie: Gary??? What the hell is going on here??
Gary: *(still noticeably shaken)*...H-honey, y-you've been in a coma fo-for the last 4 years...
Pixie: What?? But the Merry Walrus, and the lazers.. oohh so much blood... That must have been how it happened..
Gary: Merry Walrus? Honey I think you were dreaming? The Merry Walrus hasn't been seen since 2014. You fell into a coma after slipping on some coffee I spilled. Sorry about that by the way, I've been kicking myself in the gluteus maximus over it since the day it happened, oh Rsnail I thought you'd never wake up! *he plops onto the bed next to pixie and hugs her tightly*
Pixie: *grabbing Gary's face* wtf, Gary just tell me one thing. I didn't dream up the entire PSA too did I?
Gary: N-no.. that's very real ..
Pixie: Good, wait why do you sound so hesitant?
Gary: ...look, you remember the Island Relocation Project right? Well, after you fell into the coma, Spike Hike brought the idea to fruition and we all moved to the new island, (not as though we had much of a choice in the matter-seeing as how the island was supposely blown up in an accidental gas explosion.) But anyway more on that later, things were different on the new island, The weather was perfect every single day, there were all kinds of fun events and quests to participate in and everyone was constantly friendly with one another, so much so that crime rates dropped expositionlly, to the point that we soon found ourselves struggling to find any real work, had to lay off half our staff and sell the coffee machines.. As Co-Director you can imagine how hard that was for me.
Pixie: Wait... I thought Charlie was co-director?
Gary: Well he was, but he decided to take a little er, vacation and well, you know how it is..
Pixie: Gary, what the hell happened to him?? Please tell me you didn't have anything to do with it- I know how upset you were when he got the position in the first pla-
Gary: Nononono, he's fine and literally on vacation! Work was so slow that he and Mackenzie decided to take off on an extended vacation to Icely. ...that was 2 years ago. He still writes occasionally, I guess they're married now? *shrugs*
Pixie: Oh... that's wonderful for him. Wait, you mentioned that we relocated to the new island and the old one was destroyed? But this looks like the same igloo we've always lived in..
Gary: Well, you see, it's because it is. We're still on the old island. And yes, while a good portion of it was destroyed, the western half is still mostly intact and habitable. There's actually quite a few of us living here now.
Pixie: But why, I thought you said the other island was a paradise? Why come back to the half obliterated one at all?
Gary: Well yes, it was.. at first. But then things started to take a turn for the worse. The economy began to fall apart as more and more basic necessities began to be locked behind a paywall of sorts that only the island's wealthiest could afford. It got to the point where even parts of the island were inaccessible to many penguins. And then there was the whole thing with the low crime rate..
Pixie: It spiked again right? Everyone started causing trouble in protest?
Gary: No, quite the opposite, it completely stagnated. There was effectively no crime whatsoever on the island! And on top of that, penguins would occasionally just start acting differently overnight; something no one else seemed bothered by. Naturally the few remaining PSA agents launched an investigation into it, and discovered something horrifying. Another agency, much more secret than our own had placed trackers in every citizen before they arrived on the island and was arresting anyone who set so much as a flipper out of line. But they weren't just being locked up, no, that would be too kind, every rule breaker was frozen, and replaced by a robotic clone of themselves. *he shudders at the thought* Three of our agents were caught during the investigation and the PSA was branded as a "dangerous organization which needed to be stopped at all costs" We had no choice but to remove our tracking devices and flee the island. Originally we intended to head for Icely, or perhaps even Rockhopper Island.. somewhere far away where they wouldn't be able to find us, but then we sailed past our old island and realized the truth. It hadn't really been fully destroyed in a gas explosion in the mines as they told us, but that the cove, mine, and parts of the forest were very much intentionally blown up as part of a mining operation funded by our very own government. We weren't going to stay at first, after all the miners were still here and there was a chance we might be recognized and captured, but soon we learned that they avoided any part of the island beyond the docks as Herbert had rebuilt his HQ and claimed the area as his own. As long as we stay out of his hair, he doesn't seem to care about us being here, and even indirectly protects us from being discovered. And so we decided to stay, living in the shadow of our old life, and waiting. For this very day.
Pixie: Whew... that's a lot to take in. Wait you said the rest of the PSA was here too?
Gary: Well, most of us. As I said before, Charlie went into retirement and is living on Icely now, and then there were the three agents who were captured.. Jay, Tra and Locy... such a shame about them, but yes, the rest of us are here in the Ski Village. And now that you've finally awoken, we're ready...
Pixie: Ready for what?
Gary: Revolution.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand The X-Files. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of classified government knowledge most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Scully's pessimistic outlook on alien life, which is deftly woven into her characterization- her personal philosophy draws heavily from Christian faith and scientific evidence, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike the X-Files truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humor in Mulder's iconic catchphrase “I want to believe” which itself is a cryptic reference to uh, aliens? I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Chris Carter’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have an X-Files tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the gentlemen, and sometimes ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own first.
Story #3: The End Of The Fracking World
Rookie: Oh cool another button
Gary: Boi that's the Island Nuke 3000, don't press that
Rookie: Imma do it
Gary, emerging from the rubble: Welp, guess we gotta find a new island now...
The End
Rookie: And that's why we all had to move to a new island, half of my friends died, and I'm now in a high security prison!
The End of This Fracking RP
Me: Well this is awkward. At least I didn't have a soul.
Gary: Wait what?
Me: I'm a ginger remember
Gay: Oh...right
Sam Winchester: hey, having no soul isn't so bad!
Me: Why are you here?
Dean: Son of a bitch...
Charlie: This show is offensive to demons and i refuse to participate.
Sam: So, now what?
Me: Let's go hunt some mother fracking demons!
Charlie, from the cage: BUT MOOOOOOOM
Me: Is it too much to hope that she's in this Pyrrhia too?
Gary: Could Megg really be that stupid?
Guinydyl: Yeah, probably.
Raven: If only we had some sort of device that would allow us to find this place...
Gary: Hey, don't look at me. It's not like I had a tracking device implanted in Megg's arm or anything. Oh wait, I did.
Me: When did you do that?
Gary: Back when Megg and Eagles were together, I had him place the tracker in case of an emergency.
Me: And you're just remembering this now?!
Charlie: Can we just find Megg and get this over with?
UPDATE: I don't want this link being public anymore because random people kept joining lol
Message me if you need it for some reason.
Did we need another chat? Probably not, but whatever.
ask me for the link
The same lack of rules apply there as on the wiki chat.
If the server randomly kicks you off for some reason let me know, as I know of a way to fix it.