Pizza Parlor Theft
Puffles- Sensei/Himself
Pixie- Gary/Herself
Tra- Dot
Locy- Popcorn Guy/Herself
Jay- Tusk/Himself
Helmet- Rookie
Historical- Herbert
Dogkid- Perry the Pizza Guy/Narrator/Herself
Charlie- Jedi/Thief/Himself
Locy: This has to be the best lunch break ever!
Charlie: Why's that?
Locy: Because Rookie's paying!
Rookie: I am?!
Pixie: Uh oh!
Pixie: It's an RPF agent!
Puffles: Agents, stop that thief!
Thief: AAHHH!!
Narrator: The agents manage to save the money. However, the thief gets away.
Dot: They left something behind!
Locy: Was it their pride? Cause I took it!
Pixie: No...It's hot sauce.
Dot: You know we can go without your insults once in a while!
Locy: Is that a challenge?
Dot: No I’m just saying...
Locy: I think that’s a challenge!
Dot: Fine! I bet you can't go a day without insulting people!
Puffles: Agents, pay attention!
Gary: Yeah! We need to find my coffee!
Puffles: ...Here Gary...
Gary: Oh thanks!
Jay: Anyway, he left this hot sauce behind!
Rookie: LOCYY!!!!
Locy: Go away and pay the bill!!
Rookie: :(
Gary: Who do you think is responsible for this?
All the agents shout out random things
Puffles: How about we dust
Puffles: the bottle for finger prints?
Gary: Aha found some!
Locy: Wait a minute...penguins don't have finger prints, but bears do!
Gary: I do believe Herbert is responsible for this!
Once again, all the agents shout out random things
Jay: But why is he stealing hot sauce? Wait is that someone making pizza?
Perry: It is I! Perry the Pizza Guy! I came to foil your plan of foiling Herbert's plan! But uh.. I'm not really sure what to do
Dogkid: Now tell us, are you behind this?
Perry: No! Herbert just promised me hot sauce!
Pixie: Well until this is settled you'll have to come with us!
Perry: No way! How about some dough in your eyes instead!
Perry: *waddles away*
Charlie: Ew that was disgusting.
Charlie: Oh I have an idea! Maybe we could use Gary's Tracker Invention!
Puffles: Good idea!
Jay: Uh oh! This isn't good!
Locy: What happened?
Jay: He's at the snow dojo! Sensei wouldn't let him in without a fight!
Charlie: Then Herbert must have teamed up with Tusk...And kidnapped Sensei!
Jay: Anyone can defeat Tusk with Sensei, but Herbert and Tusk? Only Sensei and I together can defeat that!
Locy: Oh please! You wouldn't stand a chance without ...Oh no the bet!
Dot: Smirks
Locy: Uh..I mean we'll all help!
Pixie: Come on guys lets go!
Narrator: At the snow dojo...
Herbert: Muahaha!
Herbert: We should team up more often!
Herbert:We tricked Sensei!
Dogkid: Freeze Herbert!
Herbert: Oh no!
Herbert: It's the PSA!
Pixie: That's right! And we know what you done!
Tusk: You know we sent him a fake party invite so we could sneak in and steal the snow gem?
Puffles: Huh?
Puffles: We thought
Puffles: you kidnapped him!
Herbert: Well we would have,
Herbert: however
Herbert: Tusk thought
Herbert: it would be more fun
Herbert: to trick him!
Tusk: And it was! I wish we could see the look on his face....
Narrator: Meanwhile...
Sensei: Billybob!
Sensei: Spike Hike!
Sensei: I'm here!
Sensei: crickets chirp
Sensei: Hello?
Back at the snow dojo
Locy: Well...we’re gonna take you down!
Gary: Wait one minute, we need a plan.
Everyone huddles together
Gary: Ok, Locy, follow my instructions. Distract Herbert by insulting him.
Locy: What about the bet?
Dot: ...Temporary truce.
Jay: Ok then. Gary, distract Tusk while Dot sneaks in with the Snow Minions in a Snow Minion costume.
Dot: Gotcha! What about you, Puffles, Rookie, Dogkid and Pixie?
Pixie: Rookie will watch Perry. Puffles and Charlie will watch Rookie. Jay, Dogkid, and I will all go to free Sensei.
Rookie: Yay! Watching duty!
Charlie: And we are watching you...So don’t buy smoothies or anything.
Rookie: Fine...
Locy: Are you sure we can distract him long enough?
Pixie: Just do it!
Locy: Uhh Herbert over here! You too smelly walrus guy!
Tusk: Who are you calling smelly?
Gary: Well not Shurow, that’s for sure! Doesn't leave you with a lot of options does it?
Popcorn guy: Guys I'm back! And I got Sensei!
Locy: in head
Locy: Sensei! Shoot Pixie, Dogkid, and Jay already left. How can I contact them without them noticing? I know, the power of remarks!
Narrator: Locy then turns on her phone and calls Pixie without Herbert or Tusk noticing.
Locy: All PSA agents.. Are gonna beat you Herbert!
Herbert: Hahaha!
Herbert: Oh please,
Herbert: you’re alone!
Herbert: As a matter a fact,
Herbert: why are we just standing around?
Herbert: We need to capture
Herbert: you too!
Locy: Go ahead and try, but I'll escape! The PSA is too cool for you!
Tusk: Be we kidnapped Sensei and brought him here!
Pixie: Don't worry we're coming
Herbert: A communication device!
Herbert: Muahaha!
Herbert: It’s mine now!
Locy: Hey thats mine!
Locy: Haha, got it back! Told you, I'm too cool for you!
Narrator: On the other side of the mountain, the wind is blowing hard and it is hard to hear.
Pixie: We need to go back to the snow dojo! Sensei is there!
Jay: Dogkid, we need to find a red and black toe! SENSEI GREW HAIR!
Pixie: No! I said we need to back!
Dogkid: After we get Sensei!
Pixie: Ugh just follow me!
Dogkid: Guys look it's Popcorn guy's journal!
Pixie: Looks like he escaped from jail and knew we were coming! It also says he took Sensei to the snow dojo!
Pixie/Jay/Dogkid: :O
Sensei: HE TOOK
Sensei: We have
Sensei: to get
Sensei: it back!
Narator: They arrived at the dojo...
Jay: Sensei let's get him!
Sensei: No.
Sensei: I can't.
Sensei: I lost all
Sensei: of my
Sensei: power cards
Sensei: in a game
Sensei: of go fish
Sensei: with Jedi.
Sensei: Do you think
Sensei: you can do it
Sensei: alone?
Locy: He’s not alone you know...
Charlie: Yea we are here...
Rookie: This chocolate is awesome.
Charlie: ROOKIE!!!
Narrator: The agents attack Herbert but Tusk gets away.
Narrator: Pixie, Gary, Sensei, and Jay went after Tusk. The rest of them stayed and figured out Herbert's plan.
Herbert: Well it all started a few hours ago
Herbert: I was eating pizza
Herbert: and my
Herbert: ;P
Herbert: got burned!
Herbert: An RPF agent
Herbert: got me some water
Herbert: and took the chili sauce
Herbert: to throw it away.
Herbert: Then they robbed the pizza parlor!
Herbert: Later,
Herbert: I went to the Dojo
Herbert: However Sensei
Herbert: wouldn’t teach me
Herbert: Card Jitsu Snow!
Herbert: So Tusk sent him
Herbert: a fake
Herbert: party invitation.
Herbert: I wanted
Herbert: the snow gem!
Herbert: So Popcorn guy
Herbert: went to go get Sensei.
Herbert: However he came
Herbert: back with a toy
Herbert: instead
Herbert: He brought back a toy instead
Herbert: and the real Sensei
Herbert: ended up back here!
Charlie: Well you’re coming with us!
Narrator: Meanwhile...
Tusk: Thank you for the power cards Jedi! Now I can defeat the PSA!
Jedi: No problem
Gary: *wearing a wizard hat* Leave this to me! *zaps Tusk with wizards staff*
Tusk: NOOOOO *Falls off mountain into a snow bank*
Sensei: Tusk!!!
Sensei: :(
The rest of the PSA waddle in
Dogkid: What just happened...
Charlie: Sensei, are you okay?
Sensei: I've lost my best friend...
Rookie: Look! Tusk is running away to his cave!
Rookie: Should we follow him?
Sensei: No, I don't think
Sensei: he will bother us
Sensei: for a while.
Locy: Well in that case let's get some pizza!
Everyone: Not again!
Rookie: I’m out of money....