I mean it's no question. Shmixie really was always jealous of his sister, Pixie. I thought that there was so much going on and Shmixie had to put out his anger by killing Pixie. There we go. Every problem solved, all karma is balanced and Shmixie got what he wanted.
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Thread Games
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Clubstuck will be an interactive story on this thread. To interact, you say a command for our penguin to do. It will sort of be like an adventure game. Command examples include:
>>Walk to the door
>>Examine the door
>>Open the door
But for this first page you'll just be naming the penguin. Also, this doesn't take place in the same universe as the main one, so in order to find out more about this universe, try as many commands as possible!

A young penguin stands in her bedroom. It just so happens that today, the 4th of December, 2015, is this young penguin's birthday. Though it was fifteen years ago she was given life, it is only today she will be given a name! What will this young penguin's name be?
They say there's a song for everything and I firmly believe that. So how this game is going to work is one person will ask a question, any question at all, and whoever comments next answers using only song lyrics OR song titles, then they will ask a question of their own!
They can be any song..Like, it could be from Spongebob for all I care, as long as it's a song.
and to make it easier, state the song (if it isn't a song title as the answer) and the artist, if you know them.
Example 1 (Title)-
Person 1: What did you eat today?
Person 2: Nails For Breakfast, Tacks For Snacks (by Panic! At the Disco)
Example 2 (Lyrics)
Person 1: How are you today?
Person 2: Sometimes before it gets better, the darkness gets bigger... (Miss Missing You by Fall Out Boy)
Get it? Got it? Good!
Shall we begin?
Basically just a place to post ridiculous names for Benedict Cumberbatch.
Bandersnatch Crumblingwall
Balderdash Crumplehorn
Bluntedknife Cookingtool
Birthdaycake Computerbug
Hey guys I got about 15 new game ideas (from other forums and ones I thought up!) so I wanted to go ahead and start one.
This one is called, if you couldn't tell by the title, "My Cookie!". So basically...The goal is to take the cookie. The thread starter (me in this case...lol) has a cookie and the next person to comment tries to take it by causing a distraction!
For example:
Thread Starter: MY COOKIE!
Commenter: *I set off fireworks and you look at them* MY COOKIE!
So like...in the cartoons where they are fighting over something/someone.. (Like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVdMq3M2ljA )
I dunno, it sounded fun. It can also go on forever! :D
Knowing you guys, it'll get insanely random and fun! So...let me start?
this is inspired by pixie's blog post from yesterday which was based off a thing from tumblr.
this is for people without phones/tablet/mp3 players
ppl w/ 1/all of those things can join too (I dont h8 m8)
ill go first
die in a fire in my pants
This is my third thread game. It's heavily similar to the battle game, but with some differences. Yes, you can call this "The Battle Game: The Remake."
How to Play:
1. Each team has enemies to defeat.
2. Every 4 battles, a mini-boss will appear for both teams.
3. Every 8 battles, a boss will appear for both teams. Defeat it to go on to the next area.
4. Limit is increased by 10 every turn.
5. If Limit is at least 100%, the players with 100% can use 1 of their 3 overdrives. 150% allows them to use a 4th overdrive that is their most powerful. 200% allows them to transform but loses the overdrives due to the transformation dealing damage as strong as the player's first overdrive.
6. Every hero and villain starts with 100 health.
7. The game ends when one of the teams deliver the finishing blow to the final boss.
8. When a player is KO'd, they will be sent to their team's respective HQ permanently until the team goes to their HQ and heals the player.
9. When an entire team's party is KO'd, they all will be sent to their HQ permanently unless one of the members is a healer/dark mage or has a healing item.
10. Agents start out weaker than the villains, but have the ability to flee from battle. Villains start out stronger than the agents, but must defeat all enemies, even when the enemy or boss is stronger than all of their party members combined.
11. The Agents' main goal is to get through all areas before the villains destroy them. The Villains' main goal is the opposite, where they need to destroy all areas before the agents get through them.
Fighter Class: A punch and kick-only class that is stronger than the weaponsman, but is always the last agent to attack the enemy or boss besides the Last Resort.
Weaponsman Class: A fighter that wields a blade, an axe, a mace, or any other melee weapon. This class starts with 150 health and 10% limit at the start of every battle. It is weaker than the fighter.
Healer Class: An agent with the ability to heal or revive a party member. Healing a member takes 2 turns.
Scientist Class: A class similar to Healer, but it stays at the HQ to revive agents. It can also create and enhance an agent's weapon.
Gunner Class: A fighter that wields a gun, a bow, or any other ranged weapon. Even though they are mostly ranged, they can fire close to the enemy or boss at any time.
Ninja Class: A class with the ability to steal the opposite team's items and weapons in battle only. They attack with a melee weapon, but cannot throw the weapon. They are weaker than the Weaponsman class.
Power Class: Powerful fighters with the ability to use powers. They are the 3rd fastest agents in the game (only being beaten by the Leader and the Last Resort), being the 2nd ones to attack the enemy or boss (the Last Resort is the last one to since they are after the normal agents.) Their powers vary depending on the agent. Some of their powers include Teleportation, Time Stopping, Fireballs, Freezing, breathing fire, flying, etc.
Leader Class: These agents are one of the most powerful agents on the team. They can do anything that the other agent classes (except for the Last Resort and the True Hero) can do and has 1000 starter health. There can only be one of these.
Last Resort: This class is the 2nd most powerful agent class that can only be summoned when all agents including the leader are KO'd. Like the leader class, the Last Resort can do anything the other agent classes (except the Leader) can and there can only be 1 of them, but the Last Resort has only 750 starter health.
True Hero: The most powerful class in the game. The True Hero only appears when the Last Resort is beaten with all Power Gems are collected and when the agents aren't battling the villains. They can do anything that all classes (yes, all of them) in the game can do. They start with ∞ health normally in battle (except when fighting the villains) and 5000 health when fighting a boss, with 6500 health at the final boss. After each use of them, the agent HQ will be rebuilt, all KO'd agents will automatically be revived, and every agent will appear transformed at the start of the next battle, as well as all Power Gems being removed from the agents' inventory, meaning that they will need to collect them again. There can only be 1 of these.
Berserker Class: This class is similar to the Fighter Class, but stronger and starts with 125 Health. However, they can easily get instantly KO'd be the agents' Leader or Last Resort.
Slasher Class: This class is similar to the Weaponsman Class, but also stronger and starts with 205 Health. Ironically, they will always get instantly KO'd by a Weaponsman's ultimate overdrive.
Decoy Class: The weakest class in the thread game. They cannot attack and have only 90 starter health. However, this class is the only thing that an agent can attack in battle until/unless there are no decoys in battle or all decoys in battle are destroyed or KO'd.
Sharp-Shooter Class: Very similar to the Gunner Class, but their shots are 10x stronger than that of a gunner. However, a Sharp can only fire away from an enemy or boss.
Robber Class: It's like a villain version of the Ninja Class, but robbers can steal items and weapons in battle and outside battle, being able to break into the opposite team's HQ if there's nobody there to guard it.
Dark Mage Class: Villains that can use powers (like the Power Class) and possess an agent or enemy. Their destructive abilities are OP, being one of few in the game to actually destroy a HQ (the others being the final boss, the agent leader, and the villain overlord.) They will be instantly KO'd if a Power Class manages to attack them. There can only be 2 of these.
Overlord Minion Class: A rather weak class that supports the Overlord and stays at the villain HQ. They can help 1 time in battle, and that's it. A Minion Core is required for the Overlord Minion to be in battle forever. There can only be 1 of these.
Overlord Class: The 2nd most powerful class in the game, being even stronger than the agent leader. They can do anything the other villain classes (except the Secret Escape Villain) can do. They start with 2750 health. There can only be 1 of these.
Secret Escape Villain: The 4th most powerful class in the game (only being beaten by the Agent Leader, the Villain Overlord, and the True Hero.) When only 1 villain remains, the Secret Escape Villain comes to help. They can use anything that the other villain classes (except the Overlord) can do. There can only be 1 of these.
Fallen Hero: The Villain equivalent of the True Hero. It is most likely the only one to survive a fight against its counterpart (if they could fight each other)
Training: A bot will appear as the enemy. The player fighting the bot can decide it's attacks, the attack damage. and how much health it has. However, the player will still have the starter health in battle and cannot change it.
Defense: When the opposite team is invading the HQ, all agents/villains must defend. First, it starts where they fight the flying enemies at the top of the HQ, then inside the HQ fighting the enemies inside, and finally outside the HQ to fight the other enemies.
Spar: This mode is where 2 players from the same team fight each other. The winner gets 100 EXP. The loser gets 50 EXP. The loser will keep their health after battle. This can only be played once.
Fish: Heals a party member. It gives them 1 to 50 more health.
Super Fish: Heals a party member. It gives them 25 to 55 more health.
Giga Fish: Heals a party member. It gives them 35 to 60 more health.
Uni-Fish: Heals a party member to full health.
Power Gems: 11 mystical gems with different abilities exclusive to the agents that can be found in special stages that are activated by clearing a battle with all party members at full health without healing or dodging. If all of them are gained, the True Hero will appear in battle after the Last Resort is KO'd, as well as +100 starter health in the next battle.
Negative Orb: An all-powerful orb of darkness found in space that serves as the gate to the Negative Dimension.
Crystal Keys: 4 keys gained in special stages activated by clearing a battle with a single attack. They can instantly defeat all enemies in battle in their first use. Their second use and beyond grants the user 1 Giga Fish.
Fire Stone: A legendary stone found at the bottom of a volcano. Using it grants the user fire abilities.
Minion Core: A special item exclusive to villains that lets the Overlord Minion fight forever in battle.
Agent HQ (Agent Start Place)
Villain HQ (Villain Start Place)
Club Penguin Island
Fox Land
Dark Tower
Rookie's Mind
Dark Tournament
Place Polar Bear Planet
Negative Dimension (only accessible by clearing all other areas and by having the Negative Orb in the inventory)
This game is similar to the image battle thing, except with just fandom related images as opposed to random images. The thread will close after 100 posts have been made and the fandom with the most images wins the round.
Example Player 1: *posts image of Sherlock*
Player 2: *posts image of Doctor Who*
And so on.

I found this game on another wiki where you hurt one character, and heal another. You can heal one character and hurt one character once each turn. Each character has 10 health, and one they reach 0 health, they're dead, and can't be healed or hurt. Healing someone gives the character 1 health, while hurting takes away one health. You can't hurt or heal someone who was hurt or healed the previous turn, or that you hurt or healed your previous turn.
I'll start.
Hurt Herbert, heal Pixie.
Herbert: 9
Pixie: 11
This game is just like Truth or Bear, except that Bieber is far worse than Bear. What happens with Bieber? A fate related to Justin Bieber. I doubt you to survive this.
This game is simple. You click the random button until yo have two characters. You name the two characters in your post and link to their pages. If you want to add variation, you can go to other wikis to do this too. If you find a shipping you like, give it Kudos.
I'll start:
Agent Alice and Trollaf
This game is going to be based off the 'Just Little Things' posts that can be viewed here.
This will work kind of like the Character game. Someone types a 'Just Little Things' type thing, then the person below will reply with a picture that goes with the text, along with a new 'Just Little Things' thing.
Person 1: Wanting naturally long eyelashes
Person 2: (posts picture of Toy Bonnie); Tanning
Then person 3 would reply with a picture and a new post, and so on.
Does it make sense? I'm horribly bad at explaining I'll make the first post.
When guys make you forget your past
This is my first thread game here. In this, you have to post an image that is better than the image above.
A: *posts Illuminati image*
B: *posts cat image*
C: *posts image of Naruto*
Okay, this is a new thread game. A person states a name or word of any kind, and the second person somehow links it to the Illuminati and then screams LOOMINARTY CONFIRMED! For example=
5 divided by 5 = 1
There is 1 eye on the 'luminati symbol.
Like that.
Now, another person has to link the next word to the illuminati. And that's what we do.
Okay, so the word is : PixieLil
This is a game I saw on another Wiki, and it looks fun. The point of this is to wish for something, then the next person grants the wish, but puts a negative twist on it, then wishes for something else.
For example:
P1: I wish for this example to be good.
P2: Granted, but nobody will read it.
I wish for a good party in CP.
I wish people will play this game.
Welcome to This is a Game (and This is Really Annoying)! You should know how this works by now... It's the thing we always do on chat when we're bored. Well, we're always bored on chat, but we do it often enough. Anyways, there will be one minor change that makes this way too annoying.
Let me show you an example.
User 1: This is an example.
U2: Rookie is an example. This is your worst enemy.
U3: Happy Herbert is an example. Gary the Gadget Guy is your worst enemy. This is one of Jay's brothers.
U4: Hailey is an example. Mission 1/Cave is your worst enemy. The Gary Takeover 2015 is one of Jay's brothers. This is actually Gary in disguise.
So... You have to reply to all of them if you miss one.
No, just kidding... You only have to reply to the last three.
Inhale my crack engagement this.
This is a random game. Someone says something with a blank in it, and then 3-5 people have to comment below with something random to fill in the blank. The person who wrote the first thing gets to choose who won. The winner says the next sentence (in the case of it being dead, anybody can say it, but that's the only exception). Here's an example.
P1: Have you seen my ______?
P2: Have you seen my showerhead?
P3: Have you seen my time bomb?
P4: Have you seen my mouth?
P1: P3 wins!
P3: I would like to order a ____.
Let's start.
Excuse me, could you direct me to the ______?