Pixie's Secret Agency (PSA) Wiki

Sagas are a group of threads related to each other, all part of a single story.

Note: Sometimes sagas can overlap.

Happy Herbert[]

An evil Herbert who repeatedly sings Justin Bieber songs is taking over the island.

  1. Altered Lives
  2. Happy Herbert
  3. Double Trouble
  4. Poltergeist Extermination Program
  5. New Dimension, New Trouble (Part 1)
  6. Dimension of Doom (Part 2)

Charlie's Secret[]

Charlie's reclaimed father comes to reveal his secret to Charlie, but the truth may be too much.

  1. A Deep Dark Secret
  2. Decieved
  3. The EmPercy Strikes Back
  4. Revealations
  5. ADL's Hawaiian Vacation
  6. The Confrontation

Rookie the Wise[]

Charlie feels sorry for Rookie, so Gizmo upgrades Rookie's intelligence level to 5001- and, for the first time, Gary is jealous of Rookie.

  1. A Week in the Life of a Rookie
  2. You're Fired
  3. Evil Gary
  4. Revealations
  5. ADL's Hawaiian Vacation
  6. The Confrontation

Locy's Love[]

Locy's new boyfriend is not all that meets the eye.

  1. ADL's Hawaiian Vacation
  2. Happy Birthday Locy!
  3. Operation: Chad

The Library[]

ADL, Helmet, Jay, Lucy, Locy, Charlie, and Wingman get locked in a library, and must escape.

  1. Lucy's Library
  2. The Great Escape
  3. The Never Ending Labyrinth

This is Our Future?[]

The PSA is surprised about their future, and it seems that Kevin was the one who started it. Can they prevent this from happening?

  1. This is Our Future?
  2. This is Our Future? Part 2: Kevin's Escape
  3. So the Future Begins
  4. A Holiday Disaster (partially)
  5. This is Our Future? Part 4: The Grand Finale

LOVE Story[]

The PSA's old enemies have formed an alliance to defeat the PSA once and for all, and it will take a lot of work for them to be defeated.

  1. Revenge of the LOVE
  2. Revenge of the LOVE Part II
  3. True LOVE

Agency Wars[]

Not so long ago, and not very far away at all, Eagles was fused with his sister, which caused some, uh, I guess you could say "problems"; it's complicated. Anyway, now he is back, but...something is way, way, wayyyy wrong. Can the PSA fix it, or will Eagles win?

  1. A New Eagles