Pixie's Secret Agency (PSA) Wiki
Tra's Puffle Treehouse

Where In the wilderness.
Opened March 1st 2016
Closed March 30th 2016
Mini-Games Puffle Hunt
Owner Agent Tra
Tra's Description
This is the Puffle Treehouse! I mean, TRA'S Puffle Treehouse! And by TRA I mean TRA! SO DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING OR YOU WILL REGRET IT! Also feel free to ride on the swing!

Tra's Puffle Treehouse was a room for the Puffle Party 2016. Penguins were able to access it from March 1st to March 30th before it was closed for everyone but Tra. Puffle Hunt is playable here in a different variation. Tra can be found here often when looking for him during the party.


  • As stated by the description, Tra is very strict about his Treehouse.